
Hair loss

It is normal to lose 50–100 hairs a day as part of the hair-renewal process. However, some people may suffer from excessive hair loss at certain periods of their life. Hereditary factors are the most common cause; other reasons include reactions to hormonal, chemical or nutritional factors, medical treatments, such as chemotherapy, thyroid disease, local or generalised skin disease and stress.

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Hair structure

Three-layered strand

A strand of hair is the visible part above the skin, while the deeper segment under the scalp is known as the root. Composed of three layers, each strand is roughly 70–100 microns in diameter.

THE CUTICLE, the external layer of a strand of hair, is formed of hardened protective cells. It is without pigment and arranged much like the shingles on a roof, intertwined and overlapping. These thick cells collectively give hair its texture.

THE CORTEX lies between the cuticle and medulla and is directly related to the hair’s volume. The fibrous cells of the cortex contain keratin (the principle ingredient in hair) and melanin (the pigment that gives hair its colour).

THE MEDULLA is the innermost centre of a stand of hair, comprising 0–10% of its volume. In the case of very fine hair, the medulla is absent.

THE ROOT is the living part of the hair, anchored in the scalp. At the tip of the root is a slightly larger area known as the bulb; when a hair is plucked, the bulb has a thick, whitish appearance.

THE PAPILLA is the curved and empty area at the base of the bulb. It connects the hair to the head. Here, the blood vessels and nerves meet and the hair receives its nourishment.